In Another Win for Shareholders, SEC Adopts New Rules for Universal Proxy Cards in Contested Director Elections

In a win for activist shareholders, on November 17, 2021, the SEC voted to adopt final rules requiring the use in contested director elections of domestic issuers of "universal proxy cards," or proxy cards naming all director nominees presented for election, including those of the company and the dissident shareholder. 1

This change will give shareholders the ability to vote by proxy for their preferred combination of candidates nominated by the company's board of directors and the dissident shareholder in a contested election (also known as a "proxy contest"), which the SEC believes will put companies and investors on an equal playing field, 2 given how few shareholders actually attend a company's annual meeting in person.

The Pre-Universal Proxy Card State of Play

Currently, in contested director elections, shareholders can choose from both slates of nominees only if they attend a company's annual meeting in person. If voting by proxy, shareholders are essentially required to choose an entire slate of candidates from either the company side or an entire slate of candidates from the dissident side. 3 Where a dissident has only nominated candidates composing a minority of the board, the dissident may also present for shareholder election a combination including the dissident's candidates (known as a "short slate") plus a set of company candidates chosen by the dissident. 4

What Will Change with the Universal Proxy Card Rules

A universal proxy card lists all duly-nominated director candidates from all parties on one card, allowing shareholders to vote through the proxy process in the same manner as they could by voting in person. The universal proxy card rules will apply to all non-exempt solicitations for contested elections, 5 other than those involving registered investment companies and business development companies, and will take effect for shareholder meetings held on or after September 1, 2022.

1. Universal Proxy