Move-in Checklist (§ 521-42) – Hawaii requires that in all situations where a landlord accepts a security deposit, that the tenant is issued a checklist that allows them to write down any prior damage to the premises.

Landlord/Manager Information (§ 521-43(a)) – The landlord must disclose the person(s) managing the premises. If it is the landlord themselves, then their information must be disclosed. Also, the landlord’s tax number must be issued to the tenant so they may be able to apply for a low-income tax credit.

Lead-Based Paint – As per federal law, all residences built before 1978 must have this form filled-in and signed by the tenant to ensure their knowledge of the existence of this type of paint in the structure.

LANDLORD TENANT LAWS – For reference see the Landlord-Tenant Handbook.


Maximum (§ 521-44(b)) – A landlord cannot demand in excess of one (1) month’s rent.

Returning (§ 521-44(b)) – The landlord must return the security deposit fourteen (14) days from the date the tenant vacated the premises and has given back the keys to the landlord.


The landlord must provide at least two (2) full days‘ notice before entering the property for any repair or alteration (§ 521-53).


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