Nevada Month-to-Month Lease Agreement

Nevada Month to month Lease Agreement_1 on

A Nevada month-to-month rental agreement is a contract (not necessarily in writing) which allows a tenant to rent property from a landlord, for one month at a time, in exchange for a fee (“rent”). The rental renews monthly, until either party gives proper notice to end it.

For information about fixed-term leases in Nevada (i.e., a term of one year or more), click here .

Basics of a Nevada Month-to-Month Rental Agreement

In Nevada, a landlord and tenant create a month-to-month lease by agreeing to rent a property according to acceptable terms. Written rental agreements are clearer and legally stronger, but oral leases are legal in a month-to-month context. Parties under a month-to-month lease enjoy full rights under Nevada landlord-tenant law. The tenant must use the property in a responsible way and pay rent on time. The landlord must keep essential features of the property in habitable condition, and protect the tenant’s quiet enjoyment of the lease. The main difference between a month-to-month lease and a fixed-term lease is that month-to-month leases can be terminated (with proper notice) by either party for any reason without penalty. Landlords also can usually modify terms from one month to the next, again with proper notice.

Required Disclosures for Month-to-Month Rentals in Nevada

The state page for fixed-term leases may have more detailed information on required disclosures.

Required Notice To End a Month-to-Month Rental in Nevada

Nevada lets both the landlord or tenant terminate a month-to-month lease with at least 30 days of advance notice, although certain vulnerable or disabled tenants may have an extra 30 days to move out as a grace period. [1] In general, any reason that isn’t landlord retaliation is a legal and valid grounds for ending a month-to-month lease.

Nevada requires written notice to end a month-to-month lease. While mailed notice to the address of record is usually sufficient, Nevada can have complex notice delivery requirements, including some situations which require a licensed process server or other officer. [2] [3]

Required Notice To Raise the Rent on a Nevada Month-to-Month Lease

Nevada requires that notice for a rental increase be delivered in writing, with at least 45 days of advance notice for most month-to-month leases. [4]

Eviction in Nevada Month-to-Month Rentals

Nevada tenants may face eviction for violating a month-to-month lease or remaining on the property after the notice period allowed by a valid termination. Evictions in Nevada typically take one to six weeks.

For more information on the eviction process in Nevada, click here .


A tenant of real property, a recreational vehicle or a mobile home for a term less than life is guilty of an unlawful detainer when having leased:

(a) Real property, except as otherwise provided in this section, or a mobile home for an indefinite time, with monthly or other periodic rent reserved, the tenant continues in possession thereof, in person or by subtenant, without the landlord’s consent after the expiration of a notice of:

(1) For tenancies from week to week, at least 7 days;

(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 [tenants with specific disabilities], for all other periodic tenancies, at least 30 days;

(3) For tenancies at will, at least 5 days.

1. A person has notice of a fact if:

(a) The person has actual knowledge of it;

(b) The person has received a notice or notification of it; or

(c) From all the facts and circumstances the person reasonably should know that it exists.

2. Written notices to the tenant prescribed by this chapter shall be served in the manner provided by NRS 40.280.

3. Written notices to the landlord prescribed by this chapter may be delivered or mailed to the place of business of the landlord designated in the rental agreement or to any place held out by the landlord as the place for the receipt of rental payments from the tenant and are effective from the date of delivery or mailing.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 40.253 and 40.2542, the notices required by NRS 40.251 to 40.260, inclusive, must be served by the sheriff, a constable, a person who is licensed as a process server pursuant to chapter 648 of NRS or the agent of an attorney licensed to practice in this State:

(a) By delivering a copy to the tenant personally.

(b) If the tenant is absent from the tenant’s place of residence or from the tenant’s usual place of business, by leaving a copy with a person of suitable age and discretion at either place and mailing a copy to the tenant at the tenant’s place of residence or place of business.

(c) If the place of residence or business cannot be ascertained, or a person of suitable age or discretion cannot be found there, by posting a copy in a conspicuous place on the leased property, delivering a copy to a person there residing, if the person can be found, and mailing a copy to the tenant at the place where the leased property is situated.

The landlord may not increase the rent payable by a tenant unless the landlord serves the tenant with a written notice, 60 days or, in the case of any periodic tenancy of less than 1 month, 30 days in advance of the first rental payment to be increased, advising the tenant of the increase.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a month-to-month lease work in Nevada? How does a month-to-month lease work in Nevada? A month-to-month lease in Nevada means that tenants reside in the rental unit for one month at a time. At the end of that month, the lease will either renew for another month, or it will be terminated by the landlord or tenant with proper notice. Read more » How many days’ notice is required to terminate a month-to-month lease in Nevada? How many days’ notice is required to terminate a month-to-month lease in Nevada? At least 30 days’ notice is required to terminate a month-to-month lease in Nevada, and may be given by either the landlord or the tenant for any reason and at any time during the tenancy. Read more » How do I terminate a month-to-month lease in Nevada? How do I terminate a month-to-month lease in Nevada? To terminate a month-to-month lease in Nevada, you simply provide the landlord or the tenant with at least 30 days’ written notice prior to termination. This may be done for any reason and at any time during the tenancy. Read more »