Families First Coronavirus Response Act

The bipartisan Families First Coronavirus Response Act, H.R. 6201, provides comprehensive and immediate support to students, workers, employers, and families as we confront the COVID-19 pandemic. This bipartisan agreement takes important steps to improve access to COVID-19 testing, prevent child hunger during school closures, and provide millions of workers and employers urgent relief.

Providing Access to No-Cost COVID-19 Testing

Removing all barriers to COVID-19 testing is critical for accurately assessing the scale and location of infections and mitigating its spread. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act ensures that COVID-19 testing is free to anyone in the U.S., including the uninsured.

To learn more about how the bill provides universal no-cost COVID-19 testing, click here.

Protecting Students’ Access to Nutritious Meals

Public health emergencies are particularly dangerous for low-income families who are already struggling to cover the cost of basic essentials. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides schools and states flexibility to prevent children from going hungry during this public health crisis.

To learn more about how the bill protects students’ access to nutritious meals, click here

Expanding Access to Emergency Paid Sick Leave

Many workers are being forced to choose between their paycheck, their health, and the health of the people around them. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides two weeks of emergency paid sick leave to as many as 87 million American workers, while reimbursing employers for the cost.

To learn more about how the bill provides emergency paid sick leave to eligible workers, click here.