Immigrants' Rights

Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more here about your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them.

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Woman and child in an immigration rally.

Law enforcement asks about my immigration status

How to reduce risk to yourself

Your rights

What to do in such an encounter

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I’ve been stopped by police or ICE

How to reduce risk to yourself

Your rights

What to do if you are arrested or detained

If you believe your rights were violated

Additional resources

In other languages

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Police or ICE are at my home

How to reduce risk to yourself

Your rights

What to do when the police or ICE arrive

Additional resources

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I need a lawyer

Your rights

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I’ve been detained near the border by Border Patrol

How to reduce risk to yourself

Your rights

What to expect

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I was stopped by police, ICE, or Border Patrol while in transit

How to reduce risk to yourself

Your rights

In a car:

On an airplane:

On buses and trains:

If you believe your rights were violated

Additional resources